Come back kid...
Posted by bryce
So, I've been away from the blogsphere for a while. This is my New Year's resolution: along with continuing to lose weight (60lbs in 2 years, goal for another 20 this year...after that, the goal is to keep it off), I'm also vowing to blog more often.
I am very interested in the kind of public knowledge/critical readings that are taking place in the blogsphere, much like Mark Auslander's CulturalProductions, which focuses on critical readings of everyday cultural production and work at Brandeis University in the MA Program in Cultural Production; Wayne Marshall's wayne&wax which follows, among other things, race and the political economy of music in the digital world; Mark202's Struggles with Philosophy which engages in the re-readings of philosophers through different philosophical lenses, and the implications thereof; and the blog Speculative Heresy, which focuses on speculative realism and critical understandings of the world around us.
Next post coming: Critical re-imaginings of the Vatican in Flim and Video Games circa 2009
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